Re: [CSS21] Resolution to Bug 16049 (margin collapsing) [Was: [CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions Telecon 2012-04-04]

On 04/04/2012 03:45 PM, Anton Prowse wrote:
>> fantasai: could be "for example, margin collapsing is not affected because
>> [it is] based on computed values and not used values"
>> glazou: is fantasai's proposal a compromise you can live with?
>> arronei: I think that what fantasai proposes is fine, with 'for example'
>> prefix. May need some rewording.
>> * fantasai wonders if dbaron is on the call
>> RESOLVED: replace the sentence with Fantasai's proposal
> Did we resolve that? I thought that we resolved to do something /similar/ to that (that is, use "For example, margin
> collapsing is unaffected because [...]") but with a view to possible rewording the second half of fantasai's proposal, as per
> Arron's comment.
> At least, I'd like to mull the full sentence over for a short while before committing to it.

I believe we did resolve on that, but would be open to editorial tweaking.


Received on Thursday, 5 April 2012 00:24:22 UTC