Re: PROV-ISSUE-89 (what-entity-attributes): How do we find the attributes of an entity? [Formal Model]


I am resending the email I sent previously and which seems to get lost.

To cater for the requirement raised by Luc, we can add explicitly a new 
class, e.g. "CharacterizingAttributes" that is connected to the class 
"Entity" by an object property "characterizedBy" as follows:

prov:Entity a owl:Class ;
prov:CharacterizingAttributes a owl:Class ;

     a rdf:Property ;
     rdfs:domain prov:Entity .
     rdfs:range prov:CharacterizingAttributes .

The attributes that are used to characterize the entity can then be 
attached to the resource of type "CharacterizingAttributes" using data 
property or even object properies, if they are complex attributes.
Other attributes that are associated to the entity and are not part of 
the characterization can be associated directly to the resource of type 


On 02/09/2011 09:52, Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> PROV-ISSUE-89 (what-entity-attributes): How do we find the attributes of an entity? [Formal Model]
> Raised by: Luc Moreau
> On product: Formal Model
> The conceptual model defines an entity in terms of an identifier and a list of attribute-value pairs. It is indeed crucial for the asserter to identify the attributes that have been frozen in a given entity.
> Currently, the ontology does not seem to identify these attributes.
> To say that these attributes could be found by looking at all the properties for this entity does not work with an open world assumption.
> What mechanism do we have to identify these attributes?

Received on Friday, 16 September 2011 08:49:42 UTC