Re: ISSUE-96 (document not ready): Define how each API should behave when the document isn't fully loaded [RDFa 1.1 API]

Related, do we have any notes or issues on how the API should work when 
(possibly external) scripts edit the dom contents?

RDF Web Applications Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> ISSUE-96 (document not ready): Define how each API should behave when the document isn't fully loaded [RDFa 1.1 API]
> Raised by: Manu Sporny
> On product: RDFa 1.1 API
> Henri Sivonen writes:
> It seems to me that
> isn't explicit about how the API is supposed to work when the main
> document itself hasn't loaded fully and when external RDFa Profiles
> haven't been loaded yet.
> Please define how the API should behave when the relevant resources
> haven't been fully loaded and how a JavaScript application can find out
> that all the relevant resources have been loaded.

Received on Friday, 17 June 2011 21:06:11 UTC