Provenance Working Group formed

Hi All,

Your hard work has paid off!

Last week, the W3C management team approved the formation of the 
Provenance Working Group [1] based on the charter [2] developed by the 
Incubator. The aim of the group  is to support the widespread 
publication and use of provenance on the Web through the creation of a 
simple, extensible language to exchange provenance information. It's 
fair to say that the work of the incubator was a critical component in 
convincing the W3C to move forward with this new activity.

Given that so many of you invested so much effort in this work, we're 
sure that you want to help see it through. We therefore encourage you to 
join the Provenance Working Group and help define this critical language 
for the Web.  More details on joining can be found at [3].  If you 
intend on contributing, please help us select a teleconference time and  
first face-to-face meeting date by filling out a poll [4].

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.


Luc Moreau
Paul Groth
co-chairs W3C Working Group on Provenance

[1] Provenance Working Group -
[2] Charter -
[3] Joining -
[4] Poll on Telecon & F2F -

Received on Wednesday, 6 April 2011 14:27:05 UTC