Re: ACTION-423: Include a test on nodes in path of length zero come from specified named graph

On 05/04/11 02:16, Lee Feigenbaum wrote:
> On 4/4/2011 9:02 PM, Gregory Williams wrote:
>> On Apr 4, 2011, at 8:28 PM, Lee Feigenbaum wrote:
>>> Thanks, Matt!
>>> It would be great if people can try these out (Greg, Andy, Olivier,
>>> ...?) so that we can approve these tomorrow if OK.

ARQ passes pp34 and pp35 (path-ng-01.rq and path-ng-02.rq)

>> I pass the new tests, but as Andy and I have discussed on irc, I think
>> we approved some other pp tests last week that are actually wrong, so
>> we should revisit that at some point.
> Could you let us know which ones those are?


Got: 5
# i.e. what we now think is right:
| s  |
| :a |
| :a |
| :c |
| :a |
| :c |
Expected: 4
# i.e. what the test has
| s  |
| :c |
| :a |
| :a |
| :a |

ARQ had a bug in this evaluator in that it was expanding {2,} backwards 
(the "2" at the tail of the path not the head).  This test has a 
grounded tail and variable head which triggered the bug.


> thanks,
> Lee
>> thanks,
>> .greg

Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2011 08:15:37 UTC