Re: RDF-ISSUE-12 (String Literals): Reconcile various forms of string literals (time permitting) [Cleanup tasks]

On 07/03/11 09:05, Ivan Herman wrote:
> On Mar 6, 2011, at 17:37 , Andy Seaborne wrote:
> [snip]
>> If we had that
>>      "foo"  ->    "foo"^^xsd:string
>>      "foo"@de  ->    "foo"^^xsd:lang-de
>>      "foo"^^xsd:string  ->    "foo"^^xsd:string
>> i.e a datatype per language tag,
> I would not go there. The varieties of legal language tags is huge, and if anyone wanted to do some sort of a datatype reasoning with those, implementers may go mad:-) See:
> for some niceties...

So have a supertype?

Having the lang tag encoded into the lexical form is a real nuisance. 
Makes things like "get me rdfs:labels preferrring Welsh" a matter of 
string-bashing and isn't that what we are trying to avoid with machine 
represented data?


Received on Monday, 7 March 2011 10:10:15 UTC