Re: JSON result tests added (completes ACTION-367)

Unless you're trying to make a point that missed me, the file extension 
should be .srj.

(the SPARQL 1.0 uses this BTW)


On 01/02/11 13:21, Axel Polleres wrote:
> Hi all,
> 4 "JSON result format" test cases can be found under
> In this context, I also looked into
> to see what I need to adapt for tests of the SPARQL results format...
> We have - actually - not really  defined testing of the results format
> per se, but basically say that SELECT and ASK queries pass, if the result
> is equivalent after encoding results into RDF:
>    "A SPARQL implementation passes a query evaluation test if the graph produced by evaluating the query against the RDF dataset (and encoding in the DAWG result set vocabulary, if necessary) is equivalent [RDF-CONCEPTS] to the graph named in the result (after encoding in the DAWG result set vocabulary, if necessary)."
> We haven't specified in detail how the  conversion to DAWG result set vocabulary works in sparql/docs/tests/result-set.n3
> Anyways, I think that's a minor issue, or does anyone think we need to define the mapping for each result format? (I think/hope it is quite obvious)
> So far, I just added some lines allowing the JSON results format, under the name/short-name suggested by Andy [1] in the test case README.html
> Opinions welcome!
> best,
> Axel
> 1.

Received on Tuesday, 1 February 2011 15:13:38 UTC