what functions should we include in SPARQL 1.1?

(This email discharges my ACTION-305, 

Two months ago we all agreed that we want to move forward with the 
function library work, and we agreed that we need two things:

1) A set of functions to include
2) URIs for these functions

This email is to begin a discussion #1 above. AndyS already did much of 
this work on the wiki page, so I'm pretty much transplanting that here 
for discussion. Please reply with either concurrence, suggestions & 
reasons for things to remove or suggestions & reasons for additional 
things to include.

This references functions from http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/ .

Numeric functions:

        6.4.1 fn:abs
        6.4.2 fn:ceiling
        6.4.3 fn:floor
        6.4.4 fn:round
        6.4.5 fn:round-half-to-even

String functions:

        7.3.2 fn:compare
        7.4.1 fn:concat
        7.4.3 fn:substring
        7.4.4 fn:string-length
        7.4.7 fn:upper-case
        7.4.8 fn:lower-case
        7.4.10 fn:encode-for-uri
        7.5.1 fn:contains     (collation form optional)
        7.5.2 fn:starts-with
        7.5.3 fn:ends-with

DateTime functions:

        10.4.6 op:dateTime-equal
        10.4.7 op:dateTime-less-than
        10.4.8 op:dateTime-greater-than
        10.5.7 fn:year-from-dateTime
        10.5.8 fn:month-from-dateTime
        10.5.9 fn:day-from-dateTime
        10.5.10 fn:hours-from-dateTime
        10.5.11 fn:minutes-from-dateTime
        10.5.12 fn:seconds-from-dateTime
        10.5.13 fn:timezone-from-dateTime

Misc functions:

 3. fn:error


Received on Tuesday, 2 November 2010 21:17:22 UTC