Re: Preventing SPARQL injection

On 29/03/10 15:53, Rob Vesse wrote:
> Forgot to cc to list and to jena-dev

Missed the original post completely. Thanks for ccing to jena-dev.

> Hi all,
> my name is Angelo Veltens, i'm studying computer science in germany. I
> am using the jena framework with sdb for a student research project.
> I'm just wondering how to prevent sparql injections. It seems to me,
> that i have to build my queries from plain strings and do the sanitizing
> on my own. Isn't there something like prepared statements as in
> SQL/JDBC? This would be less risky.
> Kind regards,
> Angelo Veltens

Use the QueryExecutionFactory methods that accept an initial binding: [1]

Query q = QueryFactory.create("select * { ?s ?p ?o }");

QuerySolutionMap qs = new QuerySolutionMap();
qs.add("s", resource); // bind resource to s

QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(q, dataset, qs);

That's much safer and easier than messing with query strings.

(Unfortunately it doesn't work for remote queries via queryService)


com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Dataset, com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolution)>

Received on Monday, 29 March 2010 15:22:23 UTC