[minutes] 2 June 2009 Teleconf


The minutes of today's call are available at:

... and copied as raw text below.

Resolutions taken for the file extension of the mobileOK Checker:
1. Yeliz's code on file support should be listed along with the other 
checker code in the library.
2. We should adopt Yeliz's code (the file support extension) as an 
official working group output and therefore put it in the same namespace 
as the rest of the checker code.

The final namespace for the extension should be 


02 Jun 2009


       [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg/2009Jun/0002.html

    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2009/06/02-bpwg-irc


           francois, DKA, tomhume, yeliz, nacho, SeanP, brucel

           adam, sangwhan, miguel, manrique, jo, abel, achuter,
           JohnLavery, Bryan, EdC


           francois, DKA


      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]Comments on MWABP
          2. [6]MWBP-WCAG - last draft before Note published
          3. [7]mobileOK Checker - namespace
          4. [8]XHTML Basic 1.1 rescinded
      * [9]Summary of Action Items

Comments on MWABP

    DKA: francois, do you want to lead us through these?

    Jun/ comments on MWABP


    francois: comment from Kai on automatic login, already discussed.
    Waiting for the group at large to discuss some more.
    ... next comment from Oracle on AtomDB
    ... AtomDB seems to match with the general direction we're aiming at
    in the BPs.
    ... We already listed HTML5 offline storage, so it might make sense
    to include that in the list. I had never heard of that before,
    anyone knows where this comes from?

    DKA: wondering if it has to be implemented in the browser, and/or as
    an AJAX library. Anyone willing to review AtomDB to see if it could
    be included in the list?

    tom: raising hand!

    dka: thanks!

    <scribe> ACTION: tom to review AtomDB for potential
    inclusion/reference in MWABP [recorded in

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-964 - Review AtomDB for potential
    inclusion/reference in MWABP [on Tom Hume - due 2009-06-09].

    <Zakim> tomhume, you wanted to suggest this seems reasonable

    tom: on the WURFL reference, that sounds reasonable to add it to

    dka: yes. We need to see if we're talking a lot about server-side

    tom: UAProf is mentioned in the references because it's explicitly
    mentioned in the document.

    francois: same thing as AtomDB in my view. I just think we need to
    draw a line somewhere between being a standard and listing various
    implementations to guide authors.

    dka: on the server-side detection, we could also remove the section
    altogether as we really mean to be talking about client-side stuff.

    tom: if we mention UAProf for the same purpose, it does make sense
    to mention WURFL as well.

    dka: yes. To be clear, if we can be saying useful things for Web
    authors that can help server-side detection, let's do it!

MWBP-WCAG - last draft before Note published

    -> [12]http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-mwbp-wcag-20090526/ published
    draft of MWBP-WCAG

      [12] http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-mwbp-wcag-20090526/

    dka: yeliz, status of the document?

    yeliz: shawn sent an email about the publication. We're not
    expecting major comments on the document

mobileOK Checker - namespace

    <DKA> ScribeNick: DKA

    Francois: Yeliz (and I) have been working on an extension to the
    mobileok checker to support file URI.
    ... I think it's a good idea to have such extensions listed next to
    the checker in the code library.
    ... The question is: which namespace are we going to use? It makes
    sense to use a different namespace. One suggestion is to use a
    namespace close to the one we use for the library but there are some
    comments that code not developed by the wg should not start with the
    same namespace prefix...
    ... So - are we fine to have the code next to the code in the
    library? I think we are.
    ... 2nd question: which namespace should we use for extensions. I'm
    perfectly fine for extensions to be named after the organization
    that produced it.

    DKA: What namespace would that be?

    Francois: Yeliz?

    Yeliz: I can use the namespace from manchester university.

    Nacho: We think it would be interesting to have the code in the same
    CVS web space as the library. The checker TF in a previous meeting
    has discussed adding this already. We just had a resource problem
    getting it done.
    ... It's important that this code is close to the code of the
    checker. I do not think the issue of the namespace is important.

    Francois: I totally agree.

    <yeliz> +1

    Yeliz: Me too

    DKA: Is that another possible course of action - adopting the code
    as an official working group output?

    Francois: It seems we all agree the code should be listed along with
    the library.

    PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Yeliz's code should be listed along with the

    <nacho> +1

    Francois: another possibility could be to say that this extension
    becomes a part of the working group output. This also binds us to
    maintain the code.

    <Kai> +1

    <tomhume> +1

    <brucel> concur

    <francois> +1

    RESOLUTION: Yeliz's code on file support should be listed along with
    the other checker code in the library.

    PROPOSED RESOLUTION: We should adopt Yeliz's code (the file support
    extension) as an official working group output and therefore put it
    in the same namespace as the rest of the checker code.

    <nacho> +1 to that

    <yeliz> +1

    <Kai> i am nowhere

    <francois> +1

    <yeliz> Lost the connection

    <Kai> +1

    <SeanP> +1

    <francois> [+1 to yeliz to write a small note or blog post on how
    "easy" it was to extend the library!]

    RESOLUTION: We should adopt Yeliz's code (the file support
    extension) as an official working group output and therefore put it
    in the same namespace as the rest of the checker code.

    DKA: It will still be an extension.

    <nacho> [+1 to François' +1 to yeliz to write a small note or blog
    post on how "easy" it was to extend the library!]

    Yeliz: the namespace will be using the .ext extension?

    <francois> org.w3c.mwi.mobileok.ext.filesupport


    <francois> org.w3c.mwi.mobileok.basic.ext.filesupport

    So minuted: We will select the org.w3c.mwi.mobileok.ext.filesupport
    namespace for this.

XHTML Basic 1.1 rescinded

    DKA: why was this?

    Francois: Not because of us.
    ... Upshot [for us] is that we won't have any lang attribute.

    DKA: Do we have any dependencies on the lang attribute?

    Francois: There is a mismatch on what we recommend - using xhtml
    basic 1.1 - and what the internationalization working group

    DKA: Punt.
    ... AOB?
    ... Let's put the multi-part discussion on the agenda for next week.

    Kai: Phil archer has agreed to do an editorial review of the

    DKA: Great!
    ... Timeline?

    Kai: Yes, a couple of weeks...

    <francois> ACTION: phil to make an editorial review of the addendum
    [recorded in

    <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - phil

    <francois> ACTION: archer to make an editorial review of the
    addendum [recorded in

    <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - archer

    <francois> ACTION: parcher to make an editorial review of the
    addendum [recorded in

    <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - parcher

    <brucel> hugs

    <Kai> me waves back

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: archer to make an editorial review of the addendum
    [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: parcher to make an editorial review of the addendum
    [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: phil to make an editorial review of the addendum
    [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: tom to review AtomDB for potential inclusion/reference
    in MWABP [recorded in

    [End of minutes]

Received on Tuesday, 2 June 2009 15:15:58 UTC