Re: no-cascade proposition

Niels Matthijs wrote:
> I think my wording is indeed a bit confusing. Rather than dig into the specifics of cascading and inheritance, I'll say that I just want a full css stop at one defined point. Nothing spills over, no matter how. In effect, render the piece of included code as if there was nothing around it. This includes ignoring statements like:
> * {font-size:131%;}
> As well as
> h2 {margin-left:60px;}
> Shifting the problem to html is an option, though it's really a styling issue related to the workings of css and html-wise there should be little interest in determining whether a piece of code is internal or external.

Um...  Something somewhere needs to say exactly what elements shouldn't 
be styled.  That seems like a markup-level thing to me.


Received on Tuesday, 9 December 2008 23:21:02 UTC