Re: fallback color for background-image (ISSUE-5)

Patrick Garies wrote:
>  There’s really no need to hijack another specification. Just define a
>  new at‐rule:
>  h1 { background: transparent url("image.png"); } @missing
>  resource("image.png") { /* missing is a synonym for disabled,
>  blocked, unsupported, malformed, inaccessible, incomplete, etc.
>  resources */ h1 { background-color: black; } }
>  Another Potential Scenario:
>  <object type="image/png" data="image.png"> <p>This is a sentence.</p>
>  <p>This is a sentence.</p> </object>
>  object { display: block; margin: 1em; background: crimson; } @missing
>  resource("image.png") { object { background: transparent; }
>  object::before { content: "Fall‐Back Content:"; display: block;
>  color: red; font-weight: bolder; } }
>  — Patrick Garies

I guess that I should note that I chose the format @missing 
resource("string") over something like @missing "string" since the 
former can be extended. For example:

@missing namespaces("")
@missing media-types("text/javascript", "text/ecmascript", 
"application/javascript", "application/ecmascript")
@missing declarations("color", "currentColor", "forestgreen")
@missing values("currentColor", "color", "background-color")
@missing values(string, "text-align");
@missing properties("opacity", "-moz-opacity")
@missing at-rule("namespace")

— Patrick Garies

Received on Sunday, 6 April 2008 08:22:48 UTC