Re: [SKOS] ISSUE-32 ConceptSchemeLabellingInteractions

Dear all,

Alistair had some concern about the wording of the attached proposal, 
which we accepted in last week's.
> Dear all,
> Regarding ISSUE-32 ConceptSchemeLabellingInteractions [1], I propose 
> that we accept the following recommendation from the SKOS Primer [2, 
> section 2.1.1]
>> Following common practice in KOS design, the preferred label of a 
>> concept may be also used to unambiguously represent this concept 
>> within one KOS and its applications. Although SKOS semantics do not 
>> formally enforce it, it is therefore recommended that no two concepts 
>> in the same KOS be given the same preferred lexical label in any 
>> given language.

To alleviate these concerns, the Primer should now read
Following common practice in KOS design, the preferred label of a 
concept may be also used to unambiguously represent this concept within 
one KOS and its applications. It is therefore recommended that no two 
concepts in the same KOS be given the same preferred lexical label in 
any given language. But SKOS semantics do not formally enforce this, 
since some commonly used classification schemes, for instance, may break 
this rule.

Alistair, are you ok with this?


> [1]
> [2] , January 24 
> editor's draft.

Received on Friday, 8 February 2008 10:37:25 UTC