Re: Agenda: WSC WG distributed meeting, Wednesday, 2008-01-16



Mary Ellen Zurko wrote:
>         Web Security Context (WSC) Call Agenda
> Calling information:
> Wednesday, 16 January 2008
> 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Eastern time
> _
> _ 
> <>
> Agenda
> 1) Pick a scribe
> _
> _
> 2. Approve mintues from meetings
> 3) Weekly completed action items
> [Pending review] ACTION-214: Bill Doyle to solicit commentary on Threat 
> Trees from MITRE INFOSEC community - due 2007-12-30
> [Pending review] ACTION-353: Johnathan Nightingale to Convert his fwpd 
> review notes into issues against the document - due 2008-01-04
> 4) Open Action Items
> 5) Action items closed due to inactivity
> None, but a lot of frustration with people who ignore their action item 
> due dates.
> 6) Agenda bashing
> 7) ISSUE-128 - Strong / weak algorithms?
> I can't believe we don't have a next step, but darned if I can figure 
> out what it is.
> 8) ISSUE-124 - Safe Form Bar: reliable text
> _
> No obvious next steps. We'll figure out what they are.
> 9) ISSUE-125 - Safe Form Bar: on screen masking phrased in terms of 
> visual agents
> _
> No obvious next steps. We'll figure out what they are.
> 10)ISSUE-129 - Should we say anything about scoring techniques?
> No obvious next step, but a lot of good recent discussion. It's time to 
> figure out the next steps.
> 11) Next meeting - 23 January 2008
> I'll be fresh off two hours at the dentist; should be interesting.
> We'll do more Issues without obvious next steps
> We've done a lot of review and discussion of xit. It's time to step back 
> and consider the larger picture. Perhaps a better topic for the f2f. 
> I'll do some thinking and send out some email on it.

PhD Candidate
Carnegie Mellon University

"Whoever said there's no such thing as a free lunch was never a grad 

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Received on Wednesday, 16 January 2008 06:37:49 UTC