issues being discussed: REPORTED vs ACCEPTED

I thought that we were following the convention that when an issue is 
first added to the issues list it is "REPORTED", and discussion is 
limited to clarification.

I believed that the chairs were gradually deciding which issues to mark 
as "ACCEPTED" at which point more free-ranging discussion might take place.

If we have been following this convention it has been more followed in 
the breach.

e.g. As far as I can see we have established that there are differences 
of opinion about the metamodel and ISSUE-82 is, indeed, an issue.

I believe we have (informally) agreed that the editors will reflect this 
appropriately in the appropriate document.

Until the chairs are happy to declare the issue fully open, by marking 
it as ACCEPTED, I have been trying not to muddy the waters further by 
making any comment.

(Obviously shortly after an issue has been raised it can be helpful for 
some comments so we know who stands where, and roughly why ...)


Received on Friday, 30 November 2007 16:04:37 UTC