Re: Use Cases for The <canvas> Element

Philip Taylor (Webmaster) wrote:
> Lachlan Hunt wrote:
>> Users want an increasingly dynamic and interactive experience on the 
>> web.  Providing dynamic graphics is one way in which this can be 
>> achieved.  So by providing examples where dynamic and interactive 
>> graphics have been used in the past, demonstrates the need for canvas.
> No, it does not.  Following your own insistence that WG members
> focus on the /problem/ rather than on potential solutions,
> "examples where dynamic and interactive graphics have been used
> in the past" demonstrate the need for "dynamic and interactive
> graphics".  They do /not/ demonstrate a need for "canvas",
> which is (one of many possible) solutions.

That's technically true, but in this case, we already have at least 3 
native implementations in Firefox, Opera and Safari, and a working 
scripted implementation for IE.  Plus, as my examples showed, it's 
already being widely used.  So any alternative solution that completely 
abandons the existing implementation and usage would be extremely 
unlikely to succeed.

If there are problems with canvas that need to be addressed, then that 
is certainly open for discussion.

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Sunday, 29 July 2007 19:42:24 UTC