Re: Comments on STRING [OK?] wrote:
> Hello,
>   Regadring the string in sparql, if we have the following DATA:
> @prefix foaf:       <> .
> _:a  foaf:name       "Robert"@EN.
> _:a  foaf:name       "Roberto"@ES.
> _:a  foaf:mbox       <mailto:bob@work.example> .
> And the following query:
> PREFIX foaf: <>
> SELECT ?name ?mbox
>  WHERE { ?x foaf:name  ?name ;
>             foaf:mbox  ?mbox .
>          FILTER ( lang(?name) = "es" ) }
> I think that this query fails to match "es" in the FILTER. 
> And what about if we have 'ES' or '''ES''',  does the query match the DATA or 
> not?
> Should we transform the literals to a normal form?
> Best regards,
> Faisal
> INRIA Rhône-Alpes

SPARQL has a specific function to match language tags.  It follows the rules 
of RFC3066.

  FILTER ( langMatches( lang(?name), "es" )

Other examples:

langMatches( "ES", "es" ) ==> true
langMatches( "EN-gb", "en" ) ==> true
langMatches( "EN-gb", "en-g" ) ==> false

I hope this responds to your comment - please let us know if it does.


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Received on Monday, 27 March 2006 11:22:40 UTC