Re: WD 23 nov 2005, mini typos / mbox uris [OK?]

Benjamin Nowack wrote:
> hi, just a minor thing:
> the "mailto:" is missing in the foaf:mbox examples in section
> 2.8.3 ("Blank Nodes") (at the end).

Fixed (editors' working draft v 1.576) - added mailto: to URIs

> the query result in should also contain a "mailto:"

Fixed: it's now section "11.4.5 str" of the editors' draft

> there are several examples using a <mailto:name@TLD> or 
> <mailto:name@2ndLD.unregisteredTLD> pattern, but those may
> just have been chosen to better illustrate the example in 
> question (, and I don't even know if that's incorrect at 
> all within the mailto scheme).

".example" is special - RFC 2606 ("2. TLDs for Testing, & Documentation 
Examples") specfically sets aside ".example" as a TLD for examples.

If these editorial changes address your comments, please reply with [CLOSED] 
in the subject line.


> regards,
> benjamin
> --
> Benjamin Nowack
> Kruppstr. 100
> 45145 Essen, Germany

Received on Monday, 12 December 2005 18:40:24 UTC