Re: Typo in xml-id spec; canonicalization?

Norman Walsh wrote:
>   XML Schema authors are encouraged to use xml:id attributes when
>   providing identifiers for elements declared in their schemas. Note
>   that this can most easily be accomplished by importing the schema
>   for the XML namespace and using the attribute declaration it
>   contains.

That looks fine.  The one thing that I do want to avoid is the situation we have with the XLink schemas.  On that side, there is a spec for XLink contents, but no normative schemas, and popularly-used schemas all have issues and problems, such as creating types and attribute groups that do not appear in the specification.  A concrete URL of a specific XSD schema would be very useful, as opposed to referencing "the schema for the XML namespace".

> The Core WG plans to address the C14N issues, but we don't feel
> that such plans need to be in the xml:id specification.

Agreed.  But sooner is definitely better, since we have lead times for vetting upcoming releases.

Webb Roberts (
Research Scientist, Georgia Tech Research Institute
Atlanta, GA  404-385-0181

Received on Wednesday, 22 June 2005 20:11:58 UTC