Re: Typo in xml-id spec; canonicalization?

Norman Walsh wrote:
> / Webb Roberts <> was heard to say:
> | "XML Schema authors are encouraged to use xml:id attributes
> | exclusively in to indicate element identifiers."

My issue was not with the semantics of the sentence, rather that there seemed to be words missing:

"XML Schema authors are encouraged to use xml:id attributes exclusively in [SOMETHING GOES HERE] to indicate element identifiers."

> To the extent that your specifications make use of exclusive (rather
> than inclusive) C14N, I believe that the C14N issues do not apply.
> Hopefully it will be possible to revise the C14N spec so that this
> problem goes away (though, of course, nothing can be done to fix
> existing deployed software).

I think it would be very helpful if there was some structured documentation that would help us get xml:id through c14n objections.  Right now, there is resistance.


Received on Monday, 13 June 2005 01:19:24 UTC