ISSUE-139 RE: Alignment of SSN and SOSA

I should have tagged this notification with ISSUE-139

From: []
Sent: Tuesday, 24 January, 2017 16:29
Subject: [ExternalEmail] Alignment of SSN and SOSA

I just created a little file containing an initial proposed mapping from SSN to SOSA and loaded it to a branch – see

I just followed the alignment shown here: but expressed it more formally so all the alignments are cast as

ssn:XXX rdfs:subClassOf sosa:YYY .
ssn:vvv rdfs:subPropertyOf sosa:uuu .

except for one, which is the other way round because the definition in SOSA seemed to be more restricted than SSN.

sosa:hasValue rdfs:subPropertyOf ssn:hasValue ;

I think this matches the discussion today. I issued a pull-request.

In some cases it may be appropriate to replace rdfs:subClassOf with the stronger owl:equivalentClass.

This relates to ISSUE-37, ISSUE-49, ISSUE-88, ISSUE-102, ISSUE-115, ISSUE-139 .


From: Armin Haller []
Sent: Tuesday, 24 January, 2017 11:46
To: Kerry Taylor <<>>;<>; Joshua Lieberman <<>>
Cc: Rob Atkinson <<>>; Raúl García Castro <<>>;<>; Cox, Simon (L&W, Clayton) <<>>
Subject: Re: ACTION-251: (ISSUE-88) write up how an ssn:platform and a sosa:platform are essentially the same, with an example (Spatial Data on the Web Working Group)

I can see rapid convergence here in this thread. …

Received on Monday, 30 January 2017 23:30:01 UTC