Re: ISSUE-81 (resource vs representation)

Le 27 sept. 2009 à 05:36, Maciej Stachowiak a écrit :
> It seems to me that "resource" and "representation" are both normal  
> English words that are used in a variety of ways in the world of  
> computing. Since there is no ambiguity in HTML5's use, I do not  
> think we need to micromanage the word choice.

On Wed, 10 Aug 2005 12:30:15 GMT
In QA Framework: Specification Guidelines

Good Practice 10: Use terms already defined
without changing their definition.

What does it mean? When a definition for a term
already exists (e.g. in a different specification)
and matches the specification needs, reuse the
term and its definition without changing it, and
provide a reference to the source.

Why care? Reusing existing terms reduces the cost
of creating new definitions and makes it easier
for readers already familiar with other
specifications to get into the new one. In
addition, conflicting definitions for the same
term lead to reduced interoperability.

Karl Dubost
Montréal, QC, Canada

Received on Monday, 28 September 2009 10:59:03 UTC