Minutes from XML Schema Patterns for Databinding call 25 April 2006

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Databinding WG Teleconference
25 Apr 2006


See also: IRC log

    George Cowe (Origo Services)
    Paul Downey (Chair, BT)
    Otu Ekanem (BT)
    Anthony (Tony) Julian (HL7)
    Yves Lafon (W3C)
    Ajith Ranabahu (WSO2) 
    Jon, Calladine, (BT)


    * Topics
         1. Administrivia
         2. Action Item Review
         3. ISSUE-12, ISSUE-35: identifying a conformant schema
         4. ISSUE-33: xs:choice
         5. ISSUE-19: Advice against using the 'all' model group
         6. ISSUE-32: element repetitions other than "0", "1" and "unbounded"
         7. Access to Public Schemas
    * Summary of Action Items



<trackbot> Date: 25 April 2006

<scribe> Meeting: Databinding WG Teleconference

Date: 25 April 2006



minutes of the 18th approved

Working Group welcomes newest WG member - Otu Ekanem from BT acting as an alternate to JonC.

Otu: Hi! I'll be helping practically test patterns with toolkits.

reminder of F2F coming up - Origo is approx 20 minutes by taxi from the city centre - next to the airport
Action Item Review

<Yves> http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/databinding/actions/open

Yves: retired counter example for ISSUE-7

<Yves> http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/databinding/issues/ (now public)

tony: will take on PaulB's action

pauld: we have a new issue from Jonc regarding toolkits supported. Will discussion next week.

ISSUE-12, ISSUE-35: identifying a conformant schema

<scribe> ACTION: aranabah to find technique for finding schemas which contain constructs beyond those described by our XPAths [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/04/25-databinding-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-34 - Find technique for finding schemas which contain constructs beyond those described by our XPAths [on Ajith Ranabahu - due 2006-05-02].

ISSUE-33: xs:choice

george: Axis 1.3 took first element from choice
... other tools also had difficulties, latest versions may give a better experience

Ajith: resolved in Axis 2, but not sure about Axis 1.3 is working how users expect

pauld: response Peter Cordell whose tool supports choice on the list. I offered an alterate pattern

george: pattern not good enough - we like to use schemas in a validatation context too


discussion of xs:choice, difficulty of using a construct not well supported by tools but useful in schemas

George: especially in a validation context

Tony, George: choice is fundamental to our schemas

George: but doesn't work well with some tools

pauld: proposes his option (1) with the suggestion of option (2) as a possible alternative for choice

RESOLUTION: ISSUE-33 closed with pauld's proposal optiions 1 + down played option (2)

ISSUE-19: Advice against using the 'all' model group


pauld: code generation works well, but confidence is only going to come from running the service - do tools honor sequences, consume randomly ordered alls?

ISSUE-32: element repetitions other than "0", "1" and "unbounded"

pauld: do others have experience with this area?

tony: we use maxOccurs of values other than unbounded

george: our schemas use values other than unbounded

<scribe> ACTION: pdowney to practically test maxOccurs="n" [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/04/25-databinding-minutes.html#action02]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-35 - Practically test maxOccurs=\"n\" [on Paul Downey - due 2006-05-02].

Access to Public Schemas

Tony: pushed an example HL7 (with HL7 board permission) to the list: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xsd-databinding/2006Apr/0035.html

George: will try to provide example schema containing representitive patterns from Origo

pauld: has a set of schema collected from the wild by Henry and Michael, will look at building tests around the patterns therein
Summary of Action Items
[NEW] ACTION: aranabah to find technique for finding schemas which contain constructs beyond those described by our XPAths [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/04/25-databinding-minutes.html#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: pdowney to practically test maxOccurs="n" [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/04/25-databinding-minutes.html#action02]
[End of minutes]

Received on Tuesday, 25 April 2006 16:30:14 UTC