Re: [css-masking] lc issue 9: Does 'mask-source-type' apply to 'mask-box-image-source'

Hi fantasai,

To LC issue 9 of CSS Masking:

On Dec 11, 2013, at 11:46 AM, fantasai <> wrote:

>  8. Does 'mask-source-type' apply to 'mask-box-image-source'?
>      It's not clear from the spec. (See editorial issue #8, of
>      which this seems to be a symptom.)


>      8.B.1 I should be pulled out into the same section as the
>            'mask' shorthand, since they both apply to both types
>            of masking.

I restructured the sections and hierarchies per your suggestions in other mails.

1) mask-type is now part of the positioned masks section,
2) mask-source-type is now part of the SVG Mask Sources section.

Both properties state for which kind of masking they are designed for.

Does this address your concerns?



Received on Saturday, 12 April 2014 08:57:10 UTC