Open Step Library Issues as of 5/22/2007

I've ordered this as a suggestion of how we should discuss them.

1. The steps p:unescape-markup, p:save/p:serialize, p:escape-markup, and
    p:http-request all have this tricky issue of what to do with receiving or
    producing HTML markup and possibly handling malformed HTML.

    I've sent out a proposal for parsing HTML [1].

2. Add a 'content-type' option to the p:unescape-markup step [2].

   This option would accept a media type.  If the media type is recognized by
   the processor, parsing according to the media can be performed and that
   behavior is implementation defined with the exception of any XML media
   type (i.e. text/xml, application/xml, and *+xml types).  There is no default
   value and the step assumes XML parsing without a value.

3. p:save/p:serialize proposal [3].

  This is part of the forthcoming proposal on serialization.

4. p:escape-markup issues [4]?

   - Given a match pattern via an option called 'match', it will
     escape particular elements (e.g. the RSS description element).

5. Http-request review

   - header conflicts [5]
   - invalid method creates a dynamic error
   - href uri isn't a HTTP-based protocol (allows for https) [6]
   - multiple bodies is now handled by multipart [7]
   - making it required [8]

6. count/tee proposals

  - Should tee be removed now that we have journaling ?
  - Should count remain?

7. p:label issue [9]?

8. General validation [10]

9. split-sequence [11]


--Alex Milowski
"The excellence of grammar as a guide is proportional to the paucity of the
inflexions, i.e. to the degree of analysis effected by the language

Bertrand Russell in a footnote of Principles of Mathematics

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2007 23:05:32 UTC