48-Hour Call for Consensus (CfC): XR Device API Review


This is a Call for Consensus (CfC) to the Accessible Platform
Architectures (APA) Working Group concerning  our draft response to the
Immersive Web Working Group on their requested accessibility review[1]
of their XR Device API specification:


***Draft Comment***

Thank you for requesting our review of your XR Device API from an
accessibility perspective. Our response today is based on a close
reading of this specification by two APA members[2] and a subsequent
discussion of their findings during a regularly scheduled APA

We have found no explicit accessibility problems in this specification,
so we have no objection to it moving forward toward W3C recommendation
status as currently specified.

However, our review has raised a series of questions and concerns, and
we will now look for opportunities to engage with you to establish a
fuller understanding of accessibility opportunities and challenges in XR
technology, as well as greater support for accessibility use cases in
future revisions of your specifications. A significant concern for us is
the question of how semantically rich representations of XR are to be
provided? Semantic constructs are critical to supporting accessibility.

APA wishes to acknowledge our great interest in the emerging XR
technology.  Toward that end an initial  request for a joint meeting
during TPAC is forthcoming. We are also happy to see the announcement of
a W3C Workshop on "Inclusive Design for Immersive Web."[4]

We look forward to working with you more directly as XR matures.

***       ACTION TO TAKE***

This CfC is now open for objection, comment, as well as statements of
support via email. Silence will be interpreted as support, though
messages of support are certainly welcome.

If you object to this proposed action, or have comments concerning this
proposal, please respond by replying on list to this message no
later than 23:59 (Midnight) Boston Time, Friday 6 September.



NOTE: This Call for Consensus is being conducted in accordance with the
APA Decision Policy published at:


[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-apa/2019Jul/0012.html
[2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-apa/2019Jul/0051.html
[3] https://www.w3.org/2019/08/28-apa-minutes.html#item04
[4] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-apa/2019Aug/0067.html


Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:	http://a11y.org

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures	http://www.w3.org/wai/apa

Received on Friday, 30 August 2019 14:35:47 UTC