ISSUE-39 (whyDistributionSubclasses): dcat:Distribution and its subclasses are unnecessary [dcat]

ISSUE-39 (whyDistributionSubclasses): dcat:Distribution and its subclasses are unnecessary [dcat]

Raised by: Ed Summers
On product: dcat

Raised by Ed Summers:

To some extent I'm not convinced that dcat:Distribution and its subclasses are really necessary. An alternate approach would be two have two different properties for linking a dcat:Dataset to an a web resource: dcat:download (for direct download) and dcat:downloadInfo (or something else, for going to a page that describes how to download)...and let the rest be handled by media types and web architecture. To some extent you can see this principle at work in the notes currently in Catalog Record:

@@@ in web-based catalogs, the URL of the catalog page should be used as URI for the catalog record if it is a permalink.

Received on Thursday, 27 May 2010 14:42:09 UTC