ISSUE-89 (idioms): Remove Section 4.12 Common Idioms without dedicated Elements [HTML 5 spec]

ISSUE-89 (idioms): Remove Section 4.12 Common Idioms without dedicated Elements [HTML 5 spec]

Raised by: Shelley Powers
On product: HTML 5 spec

This is an interesting section, but all it does is provide suggested usage, and
any such suggested usage should be given in a Primer, if given by the W3C at

By including the text of this section in the specification, we run the risk of over-specifying how HTML is to be used. Since there is nothing in the section related to user agents, conformance or any other form of validation, it has no place in a specification.

The HTML5 specification should focus on what is necessary for conformance, and for correct usage--not possible variations. If included in the specification,
what is nothing more than a recommendation could be seen as a requirement. This
could inhibit the free, and correct use of markup, and we don't want to inhibit
creativity--only prevent incorrect usage.  

Received on Friday, 8 January 2010 16:19:53 UTC