ISSUE-117: add 'use' value for value attribute of ttp:{feature,extension} [DFXP 1.0]

ISSUE-117: add 'use' value for value attribute of ttp:{feature,extension} [DFXP 1.0]

Raised by: Glenn Adams
On product: DFXP 1.0

add 'use' value to value attribute for ttp:{feature,extension} elements in order to distinguish between case where profile mandates support for feature (extension) and case where profile both mandates support and also enables (activates) use of the feature; therefore, 'use' means the same as 'required" but additionally enables (turns on) the feature;

this addition is necessitated by addition of the #lineBreak-uax14 feature which if specified as 'required' means that implementation must support semantics (but not necessarily use) this feature, but if specified as 'use' means both that it must support the semantics *and* must use (turn on) this feature (use of UAX14 line break algorithm);

Received on Thursday, 28 May 2009 06:46:58 UTC