ISSUE-2253 (foreignobject-context): <foreignObject>s should be allowed as children of container elements [SVG Full 1.1]

ISSUE-2253 (foreignobject-context): <foreignObject>s should be allowed as children of container elements [SVG Full 1.1]

Raised by: Cameron McCormack
On product: SVG Full 1.1

In SVG 1.1, the DTD requires that <foreignObject> elements only be used as children of a <switch>.  In SVG Tiny 1.2, a <foreignObject> can be a child of a container element.  Should we create an erratum to loosen this in 1.1?  You can, after all, use conditional attributes on elements that are not children of a <switch>.

Received on Friday, 27 March 2009 06:32:37 UTC