Low-power devices?

Name: MJ Ray
Email: mjr@phonecoop.coop
Affiliation: Turo Technology LLP
Document: W2
Item Number: Introduction
Part of Item: 
Comment Type: question
Summary of Issue: Low-power devices?
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
1. Does WCAG 2.0 still include the aim of user-agent independence that WCAG 1.0 had?

2. Are there some simple statements that I can cite in order to encourage webmasters to support cheap low-power devices?  Generally such devices do not execute scripting and do not contain proprietary technology like Flash.  The main document seems too vague and impractical at first glance and I'm somewhat concerned by the non-obvious definition of "web page" to include AJAX applications and movies.

3. Finally, how have our previous comments on the Candidate Recommendation been addressed in the new Proposed Recommendation?

Proposed Change:
1. Reword the introduction to include the WCAG 1.0 phrasing, or note that WCAG 2.0 is no longer concerned with user-agent independence.

2. Introduce checkpoints similar to those from WCAG 1.0.

3. Offer a "comments search" which allows us to find threads from our past comments; and actually email commenters back.

Received on Tuesday, 4 November 2008 23:20:11 UTC