Re: [CSS 2.1] General at-blocks and error recovery

Bert Bos <> wrote:
> In the case of '@1; div {color: green}', the longest initial sequence
> of tokens is: DELIM (@) + NUMBER (1). We thus replace the ";" with
> the character BEL (ASCII 7). Then the input parses, viz., as a
> ruleset. The selector of that ruleset is obviously not valid, because
> neither "@" nor BEL can occur in selectors, and thus the ruleset is
> ignored.

I don't have a suggestion for precise language, but I am really
uncomfortable with an error recovery rule that can discard tokens past a
top-level semicolon.  My preferred outcome for "@1; div { color:green }"
would be for the "@1;" to be ignored and the "div { color:green }"
considered a ruleset with a valid selector, namely "div".


Received on Wednesday, 30 July 2008 21:16:43 UTC