Re: Conflict detection in DeltaV using ServerSide Workspace

On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 13:11:02 +0200
<> wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to allow simultaneous editing of resources by multiple users
> with WebDAV/DeltaV. For that, I use a ServerSide-Workspace for every
> user. The user can "check out" a file in his private workspace and
> work on it. After that, the user can "check in" all of his files with
> the DeltaV activity feature. Now I am looking for a standard
> "serverside"-way to detect conflicts when both users try to commit
> their changes on the same file. Is there any standard way to detect
> these conflicts with WebDAV/DeltaV on serverside?

yes, a checked out VCR will have a DAV:predecessor-set.  Depending on
the value of DAV:checkin-fork, the server may or may not fail a CHECKIN
in your situation.  In particular, see the
DAV:checkin-fork-forbidden and DAV:checkin-fork-discouraged
preconditions for CHECKIN in 4.4 of the RFC.

If CHECKIN fails due to one of these preconditions, the client can then
use the MERGE method to alter the DAV:predecessor-set of the checked-out
VCR and then you can try the CHECKIN again.


Received on Wednesday, 25 June 2008 14:48:35 UTC