ISSUE-88: bug in setting of datatype with @content in Syntax

ISSUE-88: bug in setting of datatype with @content in Syntax

Raised by: Ben Adida
On product: RDFa

5.5. Sequence


* step 10 (9?):
"as a [plain literal] if:
  * @content is present;
  * or all children of the [current element] are text nodes;
  * or there are no child nodes;
  * or the body of the [current element] does have non-text child
    nodes but @datatype is present, with an empty value."
According to this the example in

<span property="cal:dtstart" content="20070916T1600-0500"
  September 16th at 4pm

would not create a typed literal (@content is present). Or can the following
bullets (XML literal, typed literal) "overwrite" the result from the first
bullet (plain literal)?


by Johannes Koch in:

Probable Resolution by MarkB in:

"the simplest solution is to make the minor change of moving the third step
(that checks for typed literals) to become the first."

Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2008 16:34:12 UTC