Re: Reference by description: blank nodes

* Miles, AJ (Alistair)  <> [2003-10-29 18:21-0000]
> Cheers Dan.
> Can we cope with the situation where a B-Node may be uniquely identified not
> by a single property, but by a combination of two (or more) properties?
> e.g. Concepts uniquely identified by a combination of soks:prefLabel and
> rdfs:isDefinedBy properties.

I'm not sure how to do that in OWL, or even whether it is possible.

I don't know that any RDF toolkits support that sort of thing
out-of-the-box. They don't generally do single property based merging
either, but it is probably easier.


Received on Wednesday, 29 October 2003 13:27:55 UTC