Re: Proprietary identifier names

Thank you for the clarification.

Bert Bos wrote:
>(And, of course, you should not use proprietary extensions at all.)

We'll be using several properties borrowed from CSS3 modules that are not
RECs. It is my understanding that any property names from modules that
are WDs or CRs may not be used today unprefixed, as their meaning might
change until they go REC. Also, we need a pragmatic way to specify things
which seem to have not yet or not stably worked on in CSS3, like 


Cross References

and a non-procedural way to specify the calculation algorithm of multi-
level list marker content. (We're working on inferring the needed
declarative marker content description for the backend rendering system
based on "procedural" CSS specification (counter(), counters(), ...)
using heuristics, though.)

For the record, we'll be using the prefix "_ilx-". Is that already taken?
Do we need to quadruple the length of the vendor code to conform to the
given formula:

>use a prefix whose length is inversely
>proportional to how well-known your company is


- Christian

Received on Friday, 21 February 2003 06:02:03 UTC