Re: ISSUE-139: implementing (core) constraint components universally

Could you help me understand why we should do this? All I am seeing is 
that this would add complexity to the language, add development costs 
for these additional cases, increase our burden to specify and write 
test cases for all these scenarios, for the "benefit" that people can 
apply entirely useless constructs such as minCount with node constraints 
or datatypes for subjects which can never be literals.

Furthermore, deleting the concept of sh:context makes it impossible for 
tools to determine under which conditions a constraint component should 
be offered. The forms that I have implemented would display every 
constraint property on every case - node constraints, property 
constraints, inverse property constraints. This is not user friendly!

Finally, every extension developer is forced to specify SPARQL queries 
for all cases, even if they make no sense (like most of the cases 
below). Some of the queries that you have written up are completely 
different from their other variations. How can you be sure that the same 
generalization is sensible for every possible future extension?

As a random example consider one of the original Use cases: specifying a 
primary key. These are only ever meant to be used for properties, 
neither inverses nor node constraints nor paths.

I must be missing something, but this is a massive step backwards and a 
serious risk to the success of SHACL. There is nothing broken right now 
with the context mechanism. Why change it?


On 3/06/2016 7:19, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> To think about how a constraint component works universally, it is
> sufficient to think about value nodes, which are already defined at the
> beginning of Section 4.
> So, sh:hasValue is then just that a value node is the given node and
> sh:equals is just that the set of value nodes is the same as the set of
> values for the focus node for the other property and sh:closed is just that
> every value node has no values for disallowed properties and sh:minCount is
> just that there are at least n value nodes.
> Looking at the changes to permit core
> constraint components to be used universally appear to be as follows:
> 1/ Ensure that sh:context has all three relevant values for each constraint
> component.  (Of course then sh:context becomes irrelevant and can be
> removed.)
> 2/ For the constraint component for:
> sh:closed add
>    sh:propertyValidator [
>        rdf:type sh:SPARQLSelectValidator ;
>        sh:message "Predicate {?unallowed} is not allowed on {?subject} (closed
> shape)" ;
>        sh:sparql """
>   SELECT ?this (?val AS ?subject) ?unallowed ?object
>   WHERE {
>    {
>     FILTER ($closed) .
>    }
>    $this $predicate ?val .
>    ?val ?unallowed ?object .
>     GRAPH $shapesGraph {
>      $currentShape sh:property/sh:predicate ?unallowed .
>     }
>    } && (!bound($ignoredProperties) || NOT EXISTS {
>     GRAPH $shapesGraph {
>      $ignoredProperties rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?unallowed .
>     }
>    }))
>   }
> """ ;
> Similar for inverse property constraint.
> sh:closed should also be implementable using the simple form (like
> sh:datatype and sh:minExclusive are).
> sh:datatype add dash:hasDatatype as a value for sh:inversePropertyValidator
> sh:datatypeIn add dash:hasDatatypeIn as a value for sh:inversePropertyValidator
> sh:hasValue add
>    sh:nodeValidator [
>        rdf:type sh:SPARQLSelectValidator ;
>        sh:message "Node is not value {$hasValue}" ;
>        sh:sparql """
>   SELECT $this
>   WHERE {
>    FILTER { NOT sameTerm($this,$hasValue) }
>   }
>   """ ;
>      ] ;
> sh:disjoint add
>    sh:inversePropertyValidator [
>        rdf:type sh:SPARQLSelectValidator ;
>        sh:message "Inverse of property must not share any values with
> {$disjoint}" ;
>        sh:sparql """
>   SELECT $this ($this AS ?object) $predicate ?subject
>   WHERE {
>    ?subject $predicate $this .
>    ?subject $disjoint $this  .
>   }
>   """ ;
>      ] ;
>    sh:nodeValidator [
>        rdf:type sh:SPARQLSelectValidator ;
>        sh:message "Node must not be a value of {$disjoint}" ;
>        sh:sparql """
>   SELECT $this
>   WHERE {
>    $this $disjoint ?this .
>   }
>   """ ;
>      ] ;
> sh:equals add
>    sh:inversePropertyValidator [
>        rdf:type sh:SPARQLSelectValidator ;
>        sh:message "Inverse of property must have same values as {$equals}" ;
>        sh:sparql """
>   SELECT $this ($this AS ?object) $predicate ?subject
>   WHERE {
>    {
>     ?subject $predicate $this .
>      ?subject $equals $this  .
>     }
>    }
>    UNION
>    {
>     ?subject $equals $this .
>      ?subject $predicate $this .
>     }
>    }
>   }
>   """ ;
>      ] ;
>    sh:nodeValidator [
>        rdf:type sh:SPARQLSelectValidator ;
>        sh:message "Node must be a value of {$equals}" ;
>        sh:sparql """
>   SELECT $this
>   WHERE {
>    FILTER NOT EXISTS { $this $disjoint $this }
>   }
>   """ ;
>      ] ;
> sh:lessThan add
>    sh:InversePropertyValidator [
>        rdf:type sh:SPARQLSelectValidator ;
>        sh:message "Inverse property value is not < value of {$lessThan}" ;
>        sh:sparql """
>   SELECT $this ($this AS ?object) $predicate ?subject
>   WHERE {
>    ?subject $predicate $this  .
>      $this $lessThan ?object2  .
>    FILTER (!(?subject < ?object2)) .
>   }
>   """ ;
>      ] ;
>    sh:nodeValidator [
>        rdf:type sh:SPARQLSelectValidator ;
>        sh:message "Node is not < value of {$lessThan}" ;
>        sh:sparql """
>   SELECT $this
>   WHERE {
>    $this $lessThan ?object2 .
>    FILTER (!(?this < ?object2)) .
>   }
>   """ ;
>      ] ;
> sh:lessThanOrEquals similar
> sh:minCount add
>    sh:nodeValidator [
>        rdf:type sh:SPARQLSelectValidator ;
>        sh:message "Node is precisely one value, not {$minCount}" ;
>        sh:sparql """
>   SELECT $this
>   WHERE {
>    FILTER ( 1 >= $minCount) .
>   }
>   """ ;
>      ] ;
> sh:maxCount similar
> sh:maxExclusive add dash:hasMaxExclusive as a value for
> sh:inversePropertyValidator
> sh:maxInclusive add dash:hasMaxInclusive as a value for
> sh:inversePropertyValidator
> sh:minExclusive add dash:hasMinExclusive as a value for
> sh:inversePropertyValidator
> sh:minInclusive add dash:hasMinInclusive as a value for
> sh:inversePropertyValidator
> sh:uniqueLang add
>    sh:inversePropertyValidator [
>        rdf:type sh:SPARQLSelectValidator ;
>        sh:message "Language {?lang} used more than once" ;
>        sh:sparql """
>   SELECT DISTINCT $this ($this AS ?object) $predicate ?lang
>   WHERE {
>    {
>     FILTER ($uniqueLang) .
>    }
>    ?value $predicate $this .
>    BIND (lang(?value) AS ?lang) .
>    FILTER (bound(?lang) && ?lang != \"\") .
>     $this $predicate ?otherValue .
>     FILTER (?otherValue != ?value && ?lang = lang(?otherValue)) .
>    }
>   }
>   """ ;
>      ] ;
>    sh:nodeValidator [
>        rdf:type sh:SPARQLSelectValidator ;
>        sh:message "A language used more than once on node" ;
>        sh:sparql """
>   SELECT $this
>   WHERE { FILTER ( 1 = 0 )
>   }
>   """ ;
>      ] ;
> sh:qualifiedMinCount add
>    sh:nodeValidator [
>        rdf:type sh:SPARQLSelectValidator ;
>        sh:sparql """
>   SELECT $this ($this AS ?subject) $predicate ?count ?failure
>   WHERE {
>    BIND (sh:hasShape(?subject, $valueShape, $shapesGraph) AS ?hasShape) .
>    BIND (!bound(?hasShape) AS ?failure) .
>    FILTER IF(?failure, true, ?count > IF(?hasShape,1,0))
>   }
> """ ;
>      ] ;
> sh:qualifiedMaxCount similar
> Note that none of these are difficult to do, particularly when looking at
> the another validator for the same component.  This should be true for any
> constraint component that can be described as working on the value nodes.  I
> think that all constraint components should be describable this way.
> peter

Received on Friday, 3 June 2016 05:14:17 UTC