Re: ACTION-95, ISSUE-65: Plan to publish a new WD of HTML-5

Also sprach Murray Maloney:

 > I think that you are making the point that you have a bad
 > experience synchronizing between two separate formatting language
 > working groups with different processing models and fiercely
 > independent chairs, and that your experience should inform us all.
 > Is that it?

Essentially, yes -- although the chairs were co-operative and the
differences in processing model is irrelevant wrt. naming properties
and values.

 > I don't recall being party to the formatting property name
 > discussions in CSS/XSL WGs. I'm sorry for your troubles. Here's
 > hoping things work out better in the future.

It's not my personal peace of mind you should be worried about -- it's
the success of future specifications. W3C's experiment with having two
normative specifications describing the same formatting properties has
not been successful and I've seen no evidence why things would go
better this time.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Thursday, 29 January 2009 11:14:31 UTC