Re: WD-SVGMobile12-20050413: Comments on examples

On Sunday, April 17, 2005, 2:55:32 PM, Dave wrote:

DH> Hello,

DH> I have two minor comments which may or may not be of use:

DH> Sections 7 and 11-17 make a lot of use of the 'id' attribute, mostly in
DH> example markup.  Should these be changed to 'xml:id' instead?  (I gather
DH> it will become "best practice" to use xml:id over svg:id.)

This is true, and you are right, we probably should.

DH> Some of the examples have SVG's version attribute set to '1.1' instead
DH> of version '1.2', which I think is an error.  This happens in sections
DH> 7.2 (example 07_01.xml), 8.3.1 (08_01.svg), 11.14.1 (solidcolor.svg) and
DH> 19.4 (23_02.svg).

Oops, that is an oversight. Thanks.

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead

Received on Monday, 18 April 2005 12:41:53 UTC