Implementation report on xml:id

Hello ,

I have just had a look at

The report is an anecdotal list of five implementations that are claimed
to have support of xml:id. No test suite results are offered in support
of this  assertion.

I was expecting to see, besides a listing of the implementations tested,
a 5 by 12 table with passes and fails, and a warm fuzzy feeling from
seeing two or more implementations passing each test. I am, frankly,

Turning to the test suite
there are 11 tests with zero documentation - not even a comment -
regarding what they test and how to determine a pass or fail on each

If I have missed some test suite documentation, then my apologies and I
would appreciate a pointer.

I do not consider this an adequate implementation report.  Please state
which tests were passed by each implementation, and please state what
the pass or fail criteria are for each test.

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead

Received on Friday, 10 June 2005 19:57:02 UTC