update to data model and Time specifications to reuse in POI

I put some thought into the time object this weekend. As Karl says, we want to keep it pretty simple as core POI should be a least-common-denominator standard that is accessible to every information community. I added a time term of "instant" based on the KML TimeStamp. I didn't see a pressing need to anything from GML.  

Working with the model I also noticed that we were limiting description to none or one value. I changed this to allow for multiple descriptions. I also changed author to 0..1 instead of 0..*. This makes relational database implementations a little easier, and author can be nested within author, so this should be just as flexible as before. I also made author a POITermType so that we could tag it with terms like primary, secondary, contributor, editor. etc.

As always, it's posted to:

The OGC: Making location count...

On Oct 27, at 4:08 PM, Seiler, Karl wrote:

> To bring us back to the primary use cases for time let's review the need, to ensure we are not over/undersope:
> 1. point in time for status changes - created on..., updated on..., delete on...
> 2. periods of time for place/location events - "Taste of Chicago" starts on... ends on... is bounded by this area...
> 3. collections of periods of time - hours of operations - closed Sun-Mon, open 8-6 T-F, open 10-2 Sat...
> _______________________________
> Karl Seiler
> Director Location Technology & Services
> NOKIA Location and Commerce - Chicago
> (T)  +312-894-7231
> (M) +312-375-5932
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Yarik [mailto:Iaroslav.Sheptykin@hs-bremen.de]
> Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 2:18 PM
> To: public-poiwg@w3.org W3C
> Cc: Raj Singh
> Subject: Time specifications to reuse in POI
> Hi everyone!
>        In one of the last emails Raj has found the idea of having a
>        review of time specs good.
>        http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-poiwg/2011Oct/0029.html
>        I gave it a try but didn't go far. I have started from taking a
>        look what GML and KML did in support of temporal attributes of
>        their data.
>        KML has two time types: TimeStamp and TimeSpan. Both extend
>        abstract TimePrimitive. TimePrimitive is included into the
>        Feature type and inherited by PlaceMark, NetworkLink, Overlays,
>        Folder and Document. The geometry is not temporally enabled.
>        more at
>        http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kmlreference.html
>        Learning from KML we could add an abstract type Time to the
>        POIBaseType. Created, Modified, Deleted could extend Time. We
>        could allow Created and Deleted appear 1 and 0..1 respectively
>        within its parent. Modified could appear 0 .. *. Ex:
>                <created>...</created>
>                <modified id="" />...</modified>
>                <modified id="upgraded">...</modified>
>                <modified id="rebooted">...</modified>
>                <modified id="decorated">...</modified>
>                <deleted>...</deleted>
>        GML takes it more seriously. Similarly to KML it has TimeInstant
>        and TimePeriod types. Additionally it allows defining relations
>        between time instances. It implements calendars.
>        GML Temporal XSD
>        http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/3.2.1/temporal.xsd
>        Learning from GML we could consider using calendars and
>        relations. Also, as the model already suggest, we could add
>        temporal dimension to the geometry as well, which I believe GML
>        developers would find a great idea.
>        I am interested in reviewing other sources such as standards or
>        papers which provide guidelines for the temporal modeling. If
>        you have any in mind, or know a community that could provide
>        further hits please share. I could summarize it afterwards in a
>        wikipage.
> Greets,
> Yarik
> The information contained in this communication may be CONFIDENTIAL and is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above.  If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication, or any of its contents, is strictly prohibited.  If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender and delete/destroy the original message and any copy of it from your computer or paper files.

Received on Monday, 31 October 2011 13:52:59 UTC