Re: Additional documentation for Issue-227

Hi Jack,

I've created a new wiki page for this change proposal:

... and updated the issue title in the tracker (and linked to the wiki page):

Since the suggestion is just to move text from one section to another, it may just be editorial, so I've also added it to the list for the editors here:

A quick clarification: I assume this is suggesting to move the quoted sentence to the User Agent Compliance section (rather than the definition of User Agent earlier in the doc), but let me know if I got that wrong.


On October 16, 2013, at 5:37 PM, Jack Hobaugh <> wrote:

> Issue-227
> Normative:
>  “This standard applies to user agents that (1) can access the general browsable Web; (2) have a user interface that satisfies the requirements in Determining User Preference in the [TRACKING-DNT] specification; (3) and can implement all of the [TRACKING-DNT] specification, including the mechanisms for communicating a tracking status, and the user-granted exception mechanism.” 
> Justification:
> This language was simply moved from the “SCOPE” section to the “User Agent” section because it is a better fit for the User Agent section.
> -- 
> Jack L. Hobaugh Jr
> Network Advertising Initiative | Counsel & Senior Director of Technology 
> 1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 750 Washington, DC 20006
> P: 202-347-5341 |

Received on Sunday, 20 October 2013 00:36:12 UTC