Re: WSDL 1.2 drops use="encoded"

Hi Rich,

> The definitive tone of Don's message made me go back and re-read the
> proposal.  I still think I'm right.  If only "literal" is supported, than
> the message schema must exactly describe the message: no multiref strings,
> etc., unless explicit encoded into the schema.  Is that correct?


> If I have an operation
>     int foo(const char* a, const char* b)
> then using SOAP encoding, the body would look like
>    <SOAP:Body>
>     <foo xmlns="....">
>      <a href="#b"/>
>      <b>cloned string</b>
>    </foo>
> But the schema would look like foo as a complex element with sub-elements
> a and b as xsd:string.
> Doesn't this become impossible with "encoded" is dropped?  Even if "this"
> just means the paragraph before this one?

Yes - the argument was that if if graph structures are to be serialized
then it must be done so by picking a serialization in the schema. IMHO
that's lousy and stinks, but that's the decision. It actually originated
in WS-I when it picked doc/lit (and rpc/lit? - not sure) as the supported


Received on Monday, 3 March 2003 11:54:44 UTC