RE: [CSS 2.1] @charset, @import, and error recovery

> > Browsers are inconsistent here.

> How?

I've given an example below. I've messed up two charset rules supplied a bogus page and media, given a valid import (a.css which is DIV { color: purple }), followed by an invalid one, followed by another valid one (c.css which is DIV { color: green; })...

Opera: black
Safari: black
FireFox 3 Beta 2: green

Now, if you remove the top 4 items (both charsets and the page/media)

Opera: purple
Safari: green
FireFox 3 Beta 2: green

Justin [MSFT]
(sample below)

<!DOCTYPE html
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

@charset "utf-8" foo bar baz;
@charset "utf-8" foo bar baz;
@page { }
@media { }
@import url(a.css);
@import url(b.css) foo bar;
@import url(c.css);


Received on Sunday, 27 January 2008 00:58:36 UTC