Query in CCXML 1.0 Specification.


         Please find some of the queries/changes in the CCXML 1.0,  w3c
working draft 19 January 2007,

1)       For the Event, error.createccxml in the section 6.3.8, the
"required" field is not mentioned properly, it should be "true".

2)       In the events like error.move, error.send.failed, the reason
attribute is a mandatory attribute but whereas for the event,
connection.disconnected, connection.redirected, and connection.failed, the
reason attribute is optional, is it intentional?

3)       For the <createcall> element, attribute constraints missing for the
attribute "joinid" and "joindirection", saying that the latter should be
present if the former is present.

4)       The DTD file present in the location,
http://www.w3.org/TR/ccxml/ccxml.dtd. is not consistent with the element
attributes mentioned in the specification. Eg: in the <send> element, the
attribute data is removed but the DTD is not updated for the same, it is
still reflecting data attribute.

5)       The example given in the section, 10.2.5 does not reflect the new
way of accessing the event attributes using the event$.

6)       In the DTD file present in the location,
http://www.w3.org/TR/ccxml/ccxml.dtd., xmlns attribute is not made a valid
attribute for the element <ccxml> and <send> so the DTD validation of the
valid CCXML 1.0 complaint document fails when the xmlns attribute is present
in the document. 

7)       The connection state diagram provided in the section 10.2.1, the
connection state transition from ALERTING to FAILED, can happen because of
the "connection.rejected" event, but the same is not present in the
specification. My doubt is when the state of the connection transitions to
FAILED state after issuing the <reject> command.


Thanks in advance for replying to the queries,




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Received on Friday, 2 February 2007 18:14:28 UTC