Collaborative Technologies and Integrated Open Hyperdocuments

Document Tools and Representations


Setext Information and Samples
One nice feature of HTML is that Joe User can hack it with his text editor. I think we shouldn't expect Joe User to grok SGML, and we should support something like SeText as HTML becomes more compex.
A GNU Emacs mode for SGML files
Linux Documentation Project
These guys have taken a very practical approach to SGML for technical documentation. They started with SGMLs from James Clark and the QWERTZ DTD, which mirrors LaTeX structure. Then they added down-translators for groff, HTML, and others. Looks promising.

Hmmm... on closer examination, this is something of a hack. They hacked the DTD, hacked the down-translators, etc. I like the idea of using a LaTeX-like DTD, but I think I'll wait till this matures a little more.

another SGMLs based SGML to HTML converter supporting a few sophisticated DTDs
Copenhagen SGMLs Tool -- SGMLs meets Tcl


Daniel W. Connolly
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