The HTML 3.0 Hypertext Document Format

HTML 3.0 is a set of extensions to the HTML hypertext markup format. Like HTML 2.0, it is based on the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). Unlike conventional desktop publishing, many details of how documents are laid out are left to the capabilities of individual browsers or reader preferences, rather than being completely specified by authors. This allows documents to be viewed on a very wide range of equipment.

As you can see, HTML 3.0 supports text flow around floating figures. Other major additions include fill-out forms, tables and mathematical equations, and features for greater control of layout. A pause after a hard spell of fishing    © Time-Life 1987
Fill-out forms may include a range of input controls including checkboxes, radio buttons, single and multiline text fields and selection menus. Client side handling of constraints is possible via simple scripts linked to the form. Tables are built up from header or data cells, and you can merge cells for more complex layouts.

This browser is still under development but will be made freely available.

The IETF working group on HTML is currently finishing the HTML 2.0 standard, which formalizes the de facto situation. HTML 3.0 is due out Spring '95 and will be largely based on HTML+.

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