Proposed HTML elements and attributes

This document lists a number of elements and attributes that have been proposed as additions to the HTML language, with links to the associated proposals.

The lists of elements and attributes are not meant to be comprehensive; if you know of proposed elements or attributes that should also be listed here, e-mail Michael[tm] Smith <> with the details.

Proposed attributes

This section lists proposed attributes.

capture (proposal)
Provides a hint that by default, for an input element whose type element has the value file, the file-picker control should be placed in a particular media capturing mode; possible values are camera, camcorder, microphone, and filesystem.
inert (proposal)
A way to disable an entire subtree, without necessarily making the elements in that subtree appear disabled (e.g., the way that controls behind a modal dialog are “disabled” without appearing that way, in traditional UIs).
inputmode (notes)
Specifies what type of keyboard to use for a particular input or textarea element—for example, to switch to displaying a keyboard optimized for typing in numbers rather than letters, or for typing in URLs, or for auto-capitalizing; similar to the inputmode attribute from XHTML 1.1/Basic.
download (proposal)
Indicates that the author intends an a element to be used for downloading a resource. The attribute may have a value; the value, if any, specifies the default filename that the author recommends for use in labeling the resource in a local file system.
ping (proposal)
Enables hyperlink auditing: when used on an a element, gives the URLs of the resources that are interested in being notified if the user follows the hyperlink for that element.

Proposed elements

This section lists proposed elements.

content (Web Components)
“Represents an insertion point in a shadow DOM subtree. The insertion point is replaced with the elements’ children at rendering time. The <content> element itself is never rendered.”
data (proposal)
For marking up machine-readable data.
datagrid (proposal)
Represents an interactive/sortable representation of tree, list, or tabular data in the form of rows and cells. (Might be rendered in browsers as a column-sortable “spreadsheet view” and/or collapsible/expandable “tree view”). <datagrid> was previously part of the HTML draft, but was dropped in 2008.
decorator (Web Components)
“Defines a new decorator. Typically, you would also give it an id attribute to make it addressable from CSS.”
element (Web Components)
“Defines a new custom element.”
intent (Web Intents)
Represents an intent registration.
menuitem (Mozilla proposal)
Represents a command in a menu in a Web application.
reco (Web Speech)
Represents a speech-input (speech recognition) control in a user interface.
shadow (Web Components)
“Specifies an insertion point, where the next-oldest shadow DOM subtree in element’s list of shadow DOM subtrees is rendered. The <shadow> element itself is never rendered.”
template (Web Components)
“Defines an inert chunk of DOM that can then be used for creating DOM instances in an unknown parsing context.”
tts (Web Speech)
Represents an audio stream comprised of synthesized speech output (text to speech). DOM interface inherits from HTMLMediaElement (that is, the DOM interface for the HTML <audio> and <video elements).
For comments or suggestions about this document, contact Michael[tm] Smith <>.