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Meeting Summary 2014-11-24

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Meeting minutes: http://www.w3.org/2014/11/24-dpub-minutes.html

Main discussion

Pagination Requirements

Discussion led by Brady Duga; see the separate Pagination Requirements page for the current document.

Brady has based his documents on notes, which collected the issues he has heard, seen in discussions, etc. There are some empty sections that still have to be filled, and other implementors are asked to fill in some details. (The group also discussed how to get to implementors around the globe who could help in this)

Dave remarked that some of the requirements are actually related to user interface and rendering, due to the fact that reading systems allow their readers to do things (eg, change the fonts) that affect pagination. Bill remarked that these user-induced changes are specific may happen globally and not per document, which is different from the Web. Which leads to the question whether a separate work item on user interface challenges would make sense, separated from the technical issues of pagination. (This is still pending.)

Alan drew attention on CSS regions that should be added to the document (there was an agreement on this)

Latinreq Document

Discussion led by Dave Cramer; see the latinreq document for details.

Dave has added sections on spatial geometry of pages (spreads, bleeds, etc.), just some basics (crossing the gutter, orientations, sizes, objects bleeding off the page, continued lines, etc.) More examples are needed in this area, eg, pages of different orientation, how running heads are positioned, what content appears, etc.

Bill noted the difference between static and literal texts (eg, chapter titles); in some cases the literal text is too long so publishers provide a short form for, say, headings. Dave will add this to the document.

Bill also referred to complex footnotes (eg, in legal texts); it has been agreed that relevant examples should be sent on this to Dave for inclusion in the document.

Further steps

It has been agreed that both documents would be reviewed again by the group mid December.


EPUB-WEB White Paper

Ivan and Markus have published the EPUB-WEB White Paper on github; comments are welcome!

Next F2F

May 26th, before the IDPF Conference in New York, hosted by Hachette in their shiny new offices:-)