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Purpose/audience of the workshop

From W3C Social Business Community Group
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[This part was edited by Alberto Manuel Process Sphere]

Before start reading this section, one of the inputs for the workshop is the W3C position on this for guidance, that I think is missing and the group can be heading to wrong direction.


We are somehow in the middle of a new transformation movement regarding the possibilities that are being offered to organizations to interact with all the stakeholders involved (customers, workers, government agencies, etc). Technology (communication networks and software) continue to offer new possibilities to accomplish daily tasks, work, connecting artifacts, people and business processes. There is increasing awareness and demand that we are rapidly entering in a world in which everyone and everything is, will be or can be connected, to a point that people enter in the networks without formal permission as some interactions of the past are discontinued (for example government agencies force citizens to be digital connected only) . Social Technology is responsible by the change we are engaging with others to work and opening new paths regarding approaches to collaborate and taking work execution out of the enterprise boundaries. The speed and pace of change is raising to many questions and doubts, from the start what is social all about? Is having company account in social networks? Is having the right tool to collaborate? Is understanding people’s connecting patterns? It includes all of this or is much more than this?

Workshop audience:

CIO – Despite the fact CIO’s are heading more to a strategic level and are concerned about supporting business strategy, there is still a culture of seeing (or let) CIO’s like an internal service provider that helps business units comply with business requirements based on project agendas and priorities. With all this new technologies approaches and possibilities popping up every day, it’s important that CIO’s constitute their own transformation agenda based on the potential social tools can offer and present and implement an enterprise change program.

COO – The way a company creates value and differentiate itself from competition comes from how operations are executed. Today we are facing a shift about how people want to collaborate. They want to import / copy the same experience they are used to when they are interacting in their private sphere. If operations / business processes are (yet) made of people it’s important to understand how a COO can drive business transformation using social technology. This also applies for Process owners / managers. Architects – Enterprise architecture encompasses business and technology architecture. With this swirl of change enterprise architecture cannot be anymore a static photograph taken time to time when company strategy changes. Social interaction does not include only technology, if includes understanding how people fits together, how information flows like blood in a human body. Enterprise architecture must also adapt to the challenges social interaction is bringing to discussion.

Marketing managers – [some extra context is important here. I am not an expert on Marketing and this is one of the areas where social is mostly consumed]

Customer Relationship Managers – Independently if enterprise, government organizations or others interact directly or not with end users, there is no going back regarding how connections are driven. Failing to understand how to engage properly with customers under a social approach in a myriad of scenarios (customer inquiries, complain handling, etc) can hurt organizations.

Purpose of the workshop:

- Understand what is social business and it’s implication and impact in today’s organizations; - Understand where social applies and how it can be used across different organization dimensions; - Get insight about the challenges of the social magnitude when it’s necessary to put every brick / part / organization system together; - What are the existing technologies and supporting standards that can be used under the social paradigm; - What must be done to overcome the difficulties and risk of implementing social technology in an organization.